Date and Location Unknown

There was also a military style uniform on each side. He is military. … Or paramilitary – police – I guess. And there is a woman who lives here who is as well. Fear washed through her body again. I need to get out of here.
I guess a dress would probably fit. The dress was relatively plain and actually covered her body, so she took it. These are not my clothes, but they seem acceptable. Jennifer put on the dress. I need to figure out who this guy is. She carefully walked to the stenka in order to look for an id of his. There were some personal belongings on top of it. She picked up two ids, one of them a passport, the other the size of an id card, but thicker. She moved closer to the window in order to get enough light to read and examined the smaller one first.

“Committee for State Security.” DHS? Is he trying to get information about my friends? She shook as heat and dread ran through her body again. But her brain was not paralyzed by uncertainty. It was working quickly, focused on trying to understand.
I can't be doing anything which warrants surveillance. And I doubt I know anything useful to track others. But he doesn't know that. ... Is he trying to blackmail or seduce me? It won't work, but maybe he doesn't know. … How did he get me here? This can't be legal. ... Why is his id here then? Did he expect me to wake up after him? This seems too trustful for me to be a mark.
Sergey Volkov. I am not going to remember that. … Well, wolf boy, like the picture. I wonder if this means something.

Before looking at the passport, a photograph caught her eye. There was a man and a woman, in uniform. The man was probably the one on the bed. His image matched the one in the id. He certainly has a wife. She is clearly police as well. She appears to be higher ranking. … Since when can I read military ranks? … I wonder where she is. Her purse is here, but she is not. … She looks similar to me!
Something is really odd about this situation, and I do not know what.
For the ID, the significant text on the left is just the abbreviation of the first three lines on the right.
ReplyDeleteKomitet Gosydapstvennoy Bezopasnocti = Committee for State Security
Rossiyskaya SFSR = Russian SFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
The next two lines are his rank and name:
Serzhant Volkov Sergey Andreyevich = Sergent Volkov, Sergey Andreyevich
The last written line is the position / office:
kontrrazvedochnogo = counterintelligence
I don't have the proper coded term / innuendo which is correctly fine-grained, but it is a dream and a comic type image, so what is important is to tell the reader what he does rather than perfect accuracy.
For the passport (4th image) the transliteration for the text is SSSR (USSR) and pasport (passport).
The models for both the KGB id and the passports are from a later time than this is supposed to take place. This is because these are the images I found. Other inaccuracies may also exist in these documents due to the limited number of models I had. There is no significance to the story of this fact. The uniforms, clothing, and many other aspects should be reasonably correct to the time period.