
General Notes

The story takes place starting at the end of September 1956. The end date of the main story will be sometime in 1964. Jennifer, Nicholas and Joshua were sent back in time from late June / early July 2013. The timeline is not significantly different from our own. Major events are identical to the real world and magic is not common knowledge.

The story initially takes place in and near Yakutsk. This is located in Siberia.


In this story there is effectively a single magic system with multiple way for it to be expressed. The "awakened" time travelers have one way of expressing it while the various traditional magic systems represent other ways. For these time travelers, this system has various aspects:
  • There are certain regions on Earth where magic is stronger and wormholes can form. These are referred to as nodes. The node where Jennifer arrived is called the Siberian node, although it is not the only node in Siberia. It is located in the forest to the west of Yakutsk.
  • Besides time travel and teleportation, there are "awakened" powers which some individuals possess. There is a standard set of powers, although people can learn to use them in different ways and they develop in different ways for different individuals.
  • I use terminology like "nodes" and "awakened" to explain things, but in the context of the setting, there is not a fixed terminology due to this being new.

Time Travel
  • Time travel in the story is required to follow the Novikov self-consistency principle, where the future can affect the past, even dictating its course, but not change it. This does not mean that all events will play out exactly as they had in real life. It is just that if the characters had looked up such events before ending up in the past, they would have learned what occurs in the story.
  • The node system explained in the magic section may not be the only way to travel to the past.

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