15 November 2016

Introduction 1

Date and Location Unknown

Jennifer woke up slowly, finding herself in a strange bed. Fighting off sleep, she struggled to remember where she last was. She remembered being at her parents' house, visiting for the summer. It was June 2013. Today she was going to go to the airport with her brother and their friend Joshua. Or at least that was what was supposed to be happening. But this was not her parents' guest room. This was not any room she recognized.

She remembered going to bed last night at her parents' house. After that her memories were of her dreams. She didn't do anything between then and now. Nothing in her memories would explain why she was not where she expected herself to be. I must still be asleep, dreaming. Either that or I have lost memories. But would the boundary of my memory loss be as if I had been asleep just before regaining consciousness? Maybe my brain would put together my memories to adjust the boundary. ... No. This must be a dream. Either I am still asleep seeing a fictitious room or am partially asleep and have forgotten where I am.

Jennifer picked herself up without fully getting up or out of bed in order to determine if she could. No, this does not feel like a dream. I can move for real and keep my eyes open. The sights are real. I am awake. ... Although everything still feels weird. Either this was a dream and she was meant to find this place unfamiliar, or she was really in an unfamiliar location, either having forgotten or having been brought here. Either way she needed to determine where she was.

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